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Mel Knoesen Mel Portrait Shot

Nestled in the tranquil surroundings of Kalk Bay, Cape Town, my ceramic creations are manifestations of an intimate relationship with the very material from which they spring. As I delve into the world of clay within the quietude of my home studio, the process becomes a journey led by intuition, an exploration where the clay itself guides me, revealing its desires and shaping my creations.

Every curve, every indentation, and even the occasional mistake become integral parts of the sculpting process, guiding the piece towards its ultimate form. In this dance of experimentation and sculptural freedom, the clay’s natural malleability asserts itself, transforming each creation into a unique expression of its own essence.


Mel Portrait ShotMel Knoesen

Nestled in the tranquil surroundings of Kalk Bay, Cape Town, my ceramic creations are manifestations of an intimate relationship with the very material from which they spring.
